
Meet SELECT partners

SELECT project was born from the collaboration among five organizations with the aim of enhancing the role of lay and honorary judges in Europe.

The partnership deals with three complementary intervention areas:

  1. Technical-scientific area
  2. Lay and honorary judges’ representation area
  3. Communication and dissemination area

Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (project leader), together with CONCILIUM Schlichtung und Beratung GmbH, will take care of the technical-scientific area, managing all aspects related to training activity. Union Européenne des Magistrats statuant en matière Commerciale, together with Associazione Nazionale Giudici di Pace, will take care of the engagement and the representation of lay and honorary judges involved in the project. FB European Consulting will take care of promoting the project and making its results accessible.

Further information about SELECT partners is available in the dedicated section.

Project News

Consortium Composition

Logo Vanvitelli
Logo Concilium
Logo FB Consulting

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