

StrEnghten Lay and honorary judges European CompeTencies


The project aims to develop a training course through frontal lessons and e-learning instruments able to provide lay judges involved with didactic and practical tools suitable to support the correct application of the "Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union" (so-called Charter of Nice) in the national legal systems. The Charter is relevant in significant areas for the judicial protection of individuals, such as immigration law, family and children law, labour and consumer law, anti-discrimination law and criminal law. Its application with respect to internal rules, in addition to being required for the fulfilment of the obligations set by EU law, enriches the tools for the protection of individuals, determining, in many cases, greater protection than that provided by the national law.

However, the assessment of the criteria for the application of the Charter is a very complex task for national justice operators, since a constant reference to case-law of the EU Court of Justice and to EU rules is required.

The project, therefore, responds to the need for follow up on a constant updating to which justice professionals are legally subjected.

SELECT Objectives

1 General Objective (GO) 1: Contributing to the effective and coherent application of EU law by providing training to honorary and lay judges on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

  • Specific Objective (SO) 1.1: SELECT Manual on UE Charter of Fundamental Rights designed, adapted to the needs of European lay judges and useful for making Charter principles exploitable in carrying out their functions as justice operators;
  • SO 1.2 : 6 SELECT training courses (210 total hours) on EU Charter of Fundamental Rights provided in 2 languages towards at least 300 Honorary and Lay Judges, in order to affect on: a) EU Charter knowledge gaps, and b) application of UE Charter’s principles in Lay Judges jurisdictional function execution;
  • SO 1.3 : SELECT Training Methodology Booklet designed to adapt lay judges' training needs on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights according to the function held in each EU Member States.

2 GO 2 : Highlighting Lay Judges role for the proper functioning of European judicial systems, promoting the systematic training of this category on EU law and the cross-border know-how exchange and cooperation among lay judges.

  • SO 2.1 : Online and offline raising-awareness campaign on training activities and on Lay Judges role carried out, specifically in relation to their contribution to the proper functioning of the judicial systems.

Expected results

  • Theoretical and practical knowledge of Lay Judges on case-law and normative developments in the field of EU fundamental rights improved;
  • Awareness of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights added value implemented and strengthened.

Target group

Lay and Honorary Judges

Consortium composition

  • Università degli Studi della Campania L. Vanvitelli - UniVan (Lead Partner) [IT]
  • European Union of Judges in Commercial Matters - UEMC [FR]
  • Concilium Schlichtung und Beratung GmbH – CSBG [AT]
  • Associazione Nazionale Giudici di Pace – ANGDP [IT]
  • FB European Consulting – FBEC [IT]

SELECT Overall budget

  • Total SELECT cost: € 476.886,04
  • EU Co – Financing: € 429.197,45

Consortium Composition

Logo Vanvitelli
Logo Concilium
Logo FB Consulting

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